Procrastination - Lessons to Learn

 As I write this first blog post, I am silently saying prayers that my fingers and mind work in unison with the will of my Father to communicate with you in a way that you would understand. Yet, in the midst of all this, I am simultaneously recalling the many times in my own life when I procrastinated.

 And I can tell you, it's not something that I would readily admit, but setting up this blog and finally finding the courage to write is proof in the pudding that I have and possibly will do again, though I hope to a lesser degree after today. 

The reality is, we all postpone, delay, or prematurely terminate the plans that would make us better partners, mothers, or professionals. Sometimes, it's deliberate, other times it's an unconscious practice that has grown into a concrete habit that we just cannot seem to get out from under. Either way, today is the day we make a new start!

Today, almost by accident I came across this site that offers bloggers the ability to share their passions with the world, and like magic, I went through the steps to sign up and the rest is history. This little exercise reminded me that it only takes a spark to get things going. "Baby steps, take baby steps" that's what we have all heard at some point in our lives. 

So what really causes us to procrastinate? I'll tell you...fear!. 

I know what you're thinking, but we both know that not having the financial means, the time, or the 'right' people around us to help are just overused cliches style excuses we use to cushion the truth; we are afraid to move forward. And it's understandable because for years I felt the same way. Fear that I was going to put myself out there for the world to see, fear that I was not going to be good enough, successful enough, fear that I would not be able to continue with this blog once started and the list goes on, each excuse seeming more powerful than the last and so I resign from the idea, but not anymore.

Fear is one of the main triggers which often causes us to retrieve into the darkness; the complacent, easygoing comfort lifestyle that we have grown accustomed to living. For others, however, delaying our dreams, ventures and mid-year resolutions has come at a hard price - failed marriages, broken relationships, or serious physical and mental ailments. 

Ultimately, the choice to procrastinate will cost us something and we will have to pay the piper.

So today let's choose not to be afraid of stepping out of the box of other's people's vision of us, dreams for us but instead let us allow the real me to shine; not the self that we have been pretending to be, or the self which always appears to have everything under control, but rather the vulnerable and shy and insecure me. 

The point is, we are the ones who hamper who are more likely to put a dent in God's will for our lives, and by reasoning, only with a new awakening and a renewed commitment to put in the work can we overcome this blockage. In this instant, I am being reminded of God's enduring power and mercies toward us His children. In 2 Timothy 1:6, St. Paul reminded Believers that they were not born to be lukewarm 'bashful' but rather strong soldiers toiling undyingly to live their purpose. 

For this reason, he says, as children of God we need to fan into a flame the gifts that we have been given at our Confirmation. These Flames we are told were conferred upon us to remove all fear, all worry, and shame associated with proclaiming His word. But you may be wondering, "How do I fan this flame?", " What Flame does Paul mean?" 

The flame he is referring to is the drive to be better children to our parents, better workers for our employers, and better homemakers. Wherever we are, whatever we are called to do, we must do it and do it well. 

This is the flame we must fan and like the single spark that gets the fire going, I assure you that your days will be brighter, your challenges worthwhile, and your peace of mind enduring. 

You will begin to find joy in doing those seemingly mundane tasks or jobs without the glitz and glamour or recognition because you'll remember that you are living in Kingdom time and to be a true Galilean, we must work and walk steadfastly in the footsteps of our Father. When we do this, we will be living those living vessels that though impure have been made whole through Him, not because of our own merits but because of His generosity. 

Today, we have started a new chapter; you and I. We have been called to walk the Galilean way; will you accompany me as we embark on the Galilean path? 

Visit our Facebook page Galilee Living, today to leave your comments. Make sure to like and follow so that you will never be out of inspiration to keep you moving.

See you again Beloved, right here next week by the grace of the Almighty.


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